skipped co today. rushed home and on the com. then ashley called me,tel me go wz hse. reached the block,walk around the corridor,got barked by dogs before they finally tel me the door number. stupid leh,tel me go there, dint teach me anything-.- they are damn crazy,keep saboing brenda. watch them mug for awhile,recieved few calls from mingsheng+benjamin,keep asskin me what time i going. left with them at around 5, took 1 whole round in 912 bus.

met kengyip n mingsheng. went in arcade,play play play. mingsheng sucks at daytona,only kengyip got challenge,but i still got 1st =D. then ben came,played tekken.omg nearly lost him. we played til 7.30,then me n leo gota go church for some mooncakes distributing thingy. damn boring la,go around other people's block and give mooncakes. we left arnd 9+ and headed for cwp. then the unluckiest thing happened. me n leo got screening. like,wtf. and the cid were damn rude,tok like cab. gav my particulars,ask me some stupid questions ("are you in a secret society? do you have a tattoo?") eh i so guai leh. haha. shit man,arcade was closed-.- .ate wtih them at kfc, went back home.


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